Sunday 8 January 2012

Saturday 7th - And Back Again

Although my room was quite good there are no curtains on the window and after some light tossing and turning sleep the sun wakes me early for the 80km ride back to Hoi An of more dams, minority villages and beautiful scenery.
Today we ride over the dam we saw from the other side yesterday.
Everyone is fascinated by the westerner and loves to wave and yell "Hello!"
After one last pee stop for Mr Hoa we arrive back in Hoi An. We will do the last day of the trip north of Danang to the Hai Van pass, a huge mountain, tomorrow.

I move my things into a hotel and of course, go for a good back massage. As darkness comes I head to Solo cafe where I made friends with an eccentric Canadian lady, Catherine, before the trip for dinner with her and the owners who want to know all about the experience. She has sort of "adopted" the owners of the restaurant and comes to stay with them for a couple of months each year. They are all nice people and I am enjoying their company, it is my "regular" dinner spot just up the road.